
I have been extremely honoured to receive numerous requests for mentorship 😇. However, as much as I enjoy mentoring, there is only so much I can take on so that the quality of my “mentorship” isn’t diluted 🙏🏾.

In the course of discussions, there have been some questions raised in relation to mentoring, so I thought to share my answers here and (as always) invite input.

🔵 Who is a mentor❓
A mentor is an experienced and trusted advisor who sacrifices their own time, energy and effort for the growth of others.

🟣 What is mentoring❓
To me…. It’s a reciprocal relationship between an individual (mentee) and a more experienced individual (mentor) formed mainly for the purpose of the mentee’s career development. That said, I also like to get something out of my mentees which is why I say it’s reciprocal. I have learnt so much from the young people I mentor.

As a mentee, it’s a good idea if you have something to bring to the table too!

🔴 Who can mentor you❓
I would say that having a mentor in your industry or the industry you are embarking on is very important, but in addition you can have experienced individuals in other industries that may be able to give you the experience of their transferable skills. In addition to mentoring young football players, I currently mentor a gospel musician, a graphic designer, a Nollywood actress Anthonieta Kalunta and a nurse Adaku Uche I have previously mentored an extremely creative lady who made cards. From cards we (royal “we” 😁) moved into making cakes. She now makes a living from it, and most importantly I have cake overload any time I visit Lagos 🎂. Looking forward to my next trip…

I have been mentored by individuals outside of the industries I work in and it has been extremely valuable learning from them. Thank you Abass Tijani.. 🙏🏾

🟡 What format should mentoring take❓
It can be formal, where you set meetings, targets and deadlines or informal, with less structure and more flexibility. I guess it would depend on the reason for requiring a mentor and this would be a discussion between the mentor and mentee.

🟢 Should a mentor charge❓
I have never charged a fee to mentor, but I can understand why people would as it is very time consuming, and involves transferring skills and knowledge that the mentee can use to earn a living.

My mentorship has always been a “sacrifice”, however, my style of mentorship is very informal and unstructured. If I charged for it, it would have to take a different format and I can imagine it would start to become more like work and less fun. Besides, some of the people I choose to mentor may not be able to afford to pay.

For those interested, the Nigerian Bar Association Section on Business Law (NBA SBL) is launching a FREE mentorship programme.

See Beverley’s post below 👇🏾

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