Part 2: FIFA Solidarity Mechanism – ARTICLE 21

Part 2: FIFA Solidarity Mechanism – ARTICLE 21 Calculating Solidarity Contributions 🧮 Remember it’s ➡️ “5% of the transfer fee” I usually find that it’s easier to explain solidarity contributions with an example. If you haven’t watched my video on Electronic Player Passports or EPPs (as they are called these days) and you don’t know […]

Part 1: FIFA Solidarity Mechanism – ARTICLE 21

Part 1: FIFA Solidarity Mechanism – ARTICLE 21 Another one of my favourite topics 😍… because it gives back to the grassroots 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 I’ve received a lot of questions asking for clarification on solidarity contributions (and Training Compensation) so to avoid repeating myself, I thought I’d do articles on them. Also, with the FIFA Agent’s […]