PART 2 – Government Body Endorsement (GBE) regulations

The criteria for calculating GBE 👇🏽 1. Player’s International Appearances 2. Player’s Domestic League Minutes *️⃣ 3. Player’s Continental Minutes *️⃣ 4. Final League Position of Player’s Last Club *️⃣ 5. Continental Progression of Player’s Last Club *️⃣ 6. League Quality of Player’s Current Club *️⃣ *️⃣ For these criteria, the points granted will depend […]

PART 1 – Government Body Endorsement (GBE) regulations

The transnational nature of football comes with certain complexities which include, inter alia, immigration uncertainties 💆🏾‍♀️. I felt this would be an ideal time for this post. Have you ever heard African fans asking, “why do a lot of our young talented players not go to good leagues, like England?” Well, one of those reasons […]